Your expert in insulation, fire protection, environmental remediation and consulting

HVAC technician working on insulation


We specialise in insulation, and our core areas are energy-saving insulation and insulation of processing plants, building insulation and sound insulation.

Expert Fireproofing


We fireproof buildings in accordance with the legislation in the area and ensure that the buildings can occupied. We offer competent advisory services in the field.

technicians doing Environmental remediation

Environmental remediation

Our competent employees handle environmentally hazardous substances, e.g. asbestos, PCBs, heavy metals and mould, professionally and in compliance with legislation.

office of Allan Ploug A/S from the inside

Advisory services

Our experience and knowledge enable us to provide advisory services and guidance within our core areas: insulation, fire protection and environmental remediation.


Allan Ploug A/S has during the last 10 years experienced great organic growth in our core areas and has in several of our areas expanded.

In order to ensure our development in a time of increasing focus on energy and the environment, we have seen a need to invest in a consolidation of our competences and organization. We do this by partnering with one of the industry’s most serious players, Delta Teknisk Isolering ApS.

Delta Teknisk Isolering ApS is currently located in Birkerød and employs 16 employees who will all continue in Delta Teknisk Isolering ApS for the time being.

In the coming time, Delta’s office and workshop facilities will be moved to Allan Ploug’s address at Nordholmen 4 in Hvidovre and the goal for both organizations is to merge under the name Allan Ploug A/S.

During the process, Marc Roolfs remains CEO of Delta Teknisk Isolering ApS.

Delta Teknisk Isolering ApS will help to strengthen one of our core areas and together we will play a bigger and more active role in the industry.

We welcome Delta Isolering A/S to a world where, as Marc Roolfs, Director of Delta Teknisk Isolering ApS and chairman of DIB – Danske Isoleringsfirmaers Brancheforening, says “technical insulators are indispensable if the energy and climate goals are to be achieved.”

After the merger, Allan Ploug A/S will employ approx. 80 fitters and 16 office and project managers.

Mads Ploug & Nicolai Ploug

+45 36 45 36 36 Contact us