As a modern company, we have a responsibility for the world surrounding us. That is why we at Allan Ploug value our societal obligations. Both past, present, and future obligations.
Our CSR policy is based on the UN’s 17 Global Goals.
In particular:
- Goal number 5, gender equality, where we, among other things, focus on promoting female role models among our craftsmen and among our project managers and construction managers. Together we lead the way towards attracting more women to the traditional ‘masculine jobs’.
- Goal number 7, affordable and clean energy. Our work is a prerequisite for the sustainable energy to come to life. Part of our work consists of making calculations of and advising on energy-saving measures thus making companies greener and more sustainable.
- Goal number 8, decent work and economic growth. Our employees are employed in accordance with applicable agreements. We focus on a good working environment in the company, and the employees are continuously involved in the development hereof.
- Goal number 11, sustainable cities and communities. Our contribution is helping to ensure that tasks in the construction industry are handled environmentally correct. Among other things we do environmental remediation of environmentally hazardous substances. We clean and dispose in accordance with current legislation and in accordance with guidelines from the Danish Working Environment Authority and the Demolition Section in Dansk Byggeri (Danish Construction).
- Goal number 17, partnerships for the goals. Goal number 17, partnerships for the goals. We participate in industry organizations contributing our expertise. We are a member of the board of Danske Isoleringsfirmaers Brancheforening (Danish isolation companies’ trade association) under DI (Confederation of Danish Industry), and we are a member of the Demolition and Environmental Remediation Section, which among other things promotes the most appropriate and environmentally sound management of waste and residues.
Social responsibility: Everyone deserves a place in society
Social responsibility also applies to the people around us. Our heart beats for the vulnerable, lost, and new Danes.
We believe that everyone deserves a chance – or a new chance – to find a place in the Danish labor market. Therefore, for several years we have had collaborations with municipalities, the state and private actors to offer work trials to people who, for one reason or another, have not found their place.
We have successfully retained some of the people we have had through work trial, and others have had their work ability uncovered, which they have been able to use in their further courses.
Contact us for advice and guidance or to get a quote